Airunco Compressor Parts & Equipment Co.,Limited

Airunco Compressor Parts & Equipment Co.,Limited

Why the dry machine does not start

1. If the refrigerant is insufficient or excessive, fill the leak and vacuum, add enough refrigerant or release excess refrigerant. 2. The internal leakage of the four-way valve constitutes misoperation, and is updated after confirmation of damage. 3. If the condenser has poor ventilation or short circuit, remove the outdoor obstacles and clean the condenser.
4. The capillary assembly (including filter) is blocked, the suction temperature rises, please replace the capillary assembly.
5. If the protection relay itself is faulty, please use a multimeter to check whether the contact is on when the air compressor is not hot outside. If it is not on, replace the new protector. When replacing the air compressor, check the starting capacitor and the starting relay (if one of them is damaged, both must be replaced). 6. The air compressor itself is faulty, such as short circuit, open circuit, touching the shell to the ground, etc., check and confirm the replacement of the air compressor. 7, high pressure pressure is too high, pressure relay action, please analyze the reason, according to the situation to be excluded. 8, the system is mixed with non-condensing liquid gas (such as air, etc.), please vacuum and reperfusion. 9, the air compressor running current is too large, please find out the reason to be excluded. 10, outdoor unit ambient temperature is too high, please leave the heat source, avoid the sun.
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