air filter element 22130223 STD N75-160 standard filter compressor filters Product Item: 22130223 Category: Ingersoll rand Views: 1257 22130223 air filter filter element compressor filters Product Manual:air filter element 22130223 Inquiry PRODUCT DETAIL 22130223 Ingersoll Rand Air Filter Element, STD N75-160 - Standard Filter ... Air filter element, Share: RELATED PRODUCTS AIR FILTER 39708466 filter element appy to ingersoll rand compressor Air filter element 39708466 appy to ingersoll rand air compressor filter 93191542 Air Filter for IR air compressor filters Replacement Air Filter Element Air filter element 32170979 air compressor filters air compressor filters 32170979 air filter elements Ingersoll Rand AIR Filter Element 36867786